From Root to Tip: Understanding the Types, Causes and Treatment of Hair Fall

From Root to Tip: Understanding the Types, Causes and Treatment of Hair Fall Hair fall is becoming a rising problem among the majority of our population due to the busy and stressful life they are leading. It is especially common among people working in metropolitan cities like Bangalore. This busy lifestyle has led to many […]
What precautions should one take after a hair transplant?

Hair transplant surgery is a turning point in cosmetic surgery that has changed a lot of lives. But while we focus on the actual surgery so much, we forget to keep in mind what happens after the surgery. After-care is just as essential and ensures the surgery’s success. Receiving a hair transplant can enhance your […]
FUE vs FUT Hair Transplant

There are two surgical techniques by which hair can be removed from a patient’s scalp, Follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and Follicular unit extraction (FUE). Regardless of which technique is used to remove the hair, the method for transplanting each of the grafts is exactly the same. When carrying out a hair transplant, the surgeon must […]