Fue hair transplant

First, let us understand what hair Restoration is?  In HT, healthy hair follicles are extracted from the donor site, which is usually the back of the head, and implanted in the balding area, i.e., the recipient site.

Due to advancements in the HT procedure, the grafted hair takes the direction of the patient’s natural growth pattern, making it look almost natural.

FUE and FUT are the two main methods of hair transplant that are used to resolve baldness and hair loss issues. Fortunately, our clinic offers hair transplant in Pune and other areas using both methods.

In Follicular Unit Extraction or FUE hair transplant, the extraction of individual hair follicles is done using a micro punch tool, and these hair follicles are then implanted into the balding area. When compared to FUT, in FUE, there is no visible scarring even with short hair, and it also helps achieve natural looks.

FUE Hair Transplant Procedure

The hair transplant surgeon will explain to you all the details of the operation. Before we start with the surgery, you can clear all the doubts by talking it over and questioning the surgeon.

After examining your Scalp or the Bald area , our surgeon will do the necessary preparation before the procedure.

During the preparation, the area on the head where the hair follicles are going to be harvested from is washed and Trimmed.

  • Step 1 Local Anesthetic:Lidocaine an anesthetic is injected into nape of the neck, which anesthetized the surgery site so that no pain is felt during the procedure
  • Step 2 Harvesting: With the use of a micro motorized machine and desired punch, the surgeon will remove individual hair grafts from your skin.The healthy grafts will be collected and kept in the Hypothermosol FRS storage solution.
  • Step 3: Surgeon will then make a series of tiny incisions or slits with a Blade/Sapphire Blade, where the extracted grafts will be inserted
  • Step 4:  The hair follicles will be planted into tiny incisions and slits

How many sessions are required for a hair transplant procedure?

FUE is a time-consuming procedure as it had to be done perfectly and accurately, especially the placement of the grafts. There is a limit to how many grafts are transplanted in a session as anesthesia is administered to the patient.

In the 1st sitting, a maximum of 2500 – 3000 hair grafts can be implanted, which takes around 7 to 8 hours to complete. If you require more than 3000 grafts, the surgeon might take up to 2 to 3 sessions.

Precautions to follow after the FUE procedure:

  1. Make sure you strictly don’t touch The Transplanted area for 10 days.
  2. Method of removing the cap from the back and putting it on the front side, do not use any other cap except the one given by the doctor.
  3. A Normal Saline “NS” Solution will be given with post op kit start spraying every 1 hr after surgery for 10 days.
  4. If NS water is finished then you need to get NS water solution from the Medical Drug Store.
  5. Bathing will be done beneath the neck.
  6. Drink plenty of water and East Healthy food, Avoid Spicy, Hard, Hot & Sea food and try avoiding Non-Veg Food.
  7. Avoid Taking any alcohol and Smoking for a minimum 3 months.
  8. Avoid using any kind of vehicle for 10 days.
  9. Headwash will be done on the 10th Day only
  10. Avoid using a helmet for 3 months.
  11. You need to remove Dressing after 2 Days. You can do it yourself or you can visit our clinic, in case you are removing at home apply normal saline on the dressing to make it wet so the dressing comes out easily.
  12. For local residents you can visit a clinic for hair wash on the 10th day of surgery. Also get Medicine from Doctor after Hair Wash Or you can do it by yourself as per the instructions given by the doctor, or you can visit our nearby centers for further follow ups.
  13. After the dressing is removed use warm water with betadine solution or normal saline to clean the Donor area twice daily with gentle pressure and then apply the ointment fusidic twice daily followed by cleaning of the donor area.
  14. Avoid going in Direct Sunlight, Pollution, Dust for at least 3 months.
  15. Do not workout, Gymming and swimming for at least 3 months.
  16. Do not stand under Direct Shower for at least 3 months.
  17. Complication due to Surgery Swelling: You might get painless swelling around the eyes or in the face which will be resolved within the 1st 10 Days with the help of medicines given by us.
  18. There is a chance of infection post surgery but the chances of the infection are highly reduced (upto 90%) with the help of antibiotics corticosteroid given by us. Avoid direct sunlight for the first month following your operation.

How long does the hair take to grow after the FUE transplant?

Within the first three weeks of the transplant,  the transplanted hair will shed. The transplanted follicle will go into a so-called “sleep mode,” so it does not produce hair for a while.

10 to 20% of hair growth is seen within the 3 to 4 months after the hair transplant.  In the following 6 months, about 50% of hair growth is visible. 80% result can be seen in 8 to 9 months. The complete 100% results can be seen in 9 to 12 months after the hair transplant procedure.

What is the cost of an FUE hair transplant procedure at La Densitae?

The cost is around  Rs. 25 to Rs. 100 per hair grafts at La Densitae.

Factors that affect the cost of FUE hair transplant:

  • Number of grafts required:The cost will vary according to the number of grafts required, i.e., it would cost more to cover the whole scalp than just some area on the scalp.
  • Grade of baldness:Grade of baldness means how hair loss is progressing. For example, in the 1st grade of baldness hair transplant is not recommended, but after the 2nd grade of baldness, a hair transplant is recommended.
  • Hair transplant technique used:The technique used will determine the cost. If the latest technology is used, the cost will also increase.

To compare costs with other procedures like FUT, DHI, or Platelet rich plasma, click here. Our clinic offers the same cost at our branches for hair transplant in Kochi, Aurangabad, Jalgaon, and Panvel

Advantages of the FUE Technique:

  • No visible scarring.
  • A short period of recovery.
  • Get a natural look even with short hair.
  • Minimal pain so you can function normally.
  • It takes 4 to 5 days only for initial healing to happen.

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What are the side effects of an FUE hair transplant?

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Pus filled boils
  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Numbness

Before the procedure, local Anastacia will be injected into the scalp. During the procedure, there will be mild discomfort. After surgery, for 2-3 days you might feel pain but the pain is bearable.

FUE leaves dot like scars. These scars are not visible even if the hair is cut close to the scalp.

Yes, transplanted with FUE might lasts forever with few precautions.

After the age of 25 years when a person starts to experience hair loss, that’s the time they should go for an FUE hair transplant.

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