First, let’s discuss what a hair transplant (HT) is.Healthy hair follicles are removed from the donor location, which is generally the back of the head, and implanted in the balding area, referred to as the recipient site, in hair transplantation.

Because of advances in the HT process, the transplanted hair follows the normal growth pattern of the patient, making it appear virtually natural.

The two primary procedures of hair transplantation used to treat baldness and hair loss are FUE and FUT. Fortunately, both of these procedures are available at our facility for hair transplant in the affordable and best FUE Hair Transplant.


Our hair transplant surgeon will remove individual hair transplants from the donor region during this operation. These hair transplants will be kept in the Platelet enriched plasma solution after extraction to feed and enhance graft survival.

Because of its excellent outcomes, it is one of the most popular hair transplant methods in Pune and many other cities.

Let’s look into AFUE hair transplantation in more detail.

How is the procedure for AFUE performed?

In terms of the therapy that the follicles receive throughout the process, advanced FUE varies from conventional FUE. The AFUE process is carried out as follows:

  • Shaving and cleaning the head are the first steps in the transplant process. The scalp is then injected with a local anesthetic.
  • The hair transplant procedure begins once the anesthetic has worn off, with our hair transplant surgeon removing hair follicles from the donor area. A micro-punching tool is used to extract the data.
  • These follicles are placed in a protein-rich growth serum (Platelet enriched plasma) that is drawn from your blood.
  • We construct your hairline for graft implantation while your hair follicles are in the Platelet enriched plasma solution.
  • The fed grafts are then placed on the bald region according to the design to get natural results. For greater density, we plan to implant 40 to 50 hair transplants per square cm.

AFUE recovery time

The following is an estimate of how long it will take you to recuperate after the procedure:

Day 1 — After surgery, you can go home the same day.

Day 2 – You will need to go to the hair transplant facility to have them removed and implanted area dressed.

Day 3 – You must relax and remain at home.

Day 4 – You are free to return to work.

Day 8 – You must return to the clinic to have the implanted area cleaned, so no scars remain.

Yes, because of this sophisticated procedure, no one will be able to know you’ve had hair transplant surgery after eight days.

Results of an AFUE hair transplant

Hair develops at a natural pace after an AFUE hair transplant. From anagen to telogen, it goes through the complete development cycle. So, after 2–3 months, your initial hair will develop in the transplanted region, with the total result evident after 12–16 months.

The following are some of the advantages of AFUE hair transplantation:

  • Healing time is reduced, and there is no pain.
  • Spending less time in the surgical chair.
  • This method helps both men and women.
  • Optional hair transplants (body, face, eyebrows).
  • Hair follicles are more likely to survive until they are implanted.
  • The results are natural since there are no scars.

Advanced non-touch FUE is a stride ahead in the hair transplant sector as medical research makes advancements. This development improves the effectiveness of the treatments and increases the likelihood of healthy, natural-looking hair.

5 Things to Stay Away From After a Hair Transplant

  • Fast Food Consumption – Fast food is convenient, and you might not want to cook when you’re recovering. During your recuperation time, however, diet is nearly as vital as healthy blood flow and proper hydration. To grow thick, healthy, silky, sleek, strong, and gorgeous hair, you’ll need a lot of nutrients. Fast food, on the other hand, is often devoid of nutrients and high in empty calories. Look for a supplement that has calcium, magnesium, protein, iron, vitamin B6, zinc, biotin, and a lot of protein if you’re having trouble getting enough nutrients in your diet. You shouldn’t need to supplement with specific amino acids if you eat enough protein.
  • Smoking and drinking – Alcohol is a diuretic, which means it causes dehydration. This can cause you to take longer to recuperate and put you in more pain. Furthermore, it can raise your blood pressure to dangerously high levels and limit the availability of blood and nutrients to your brain. For the first five days after your procedure, stay away from alcohol.

If you smoke, you should aim to quit a few months before your hair transplant. Quitting is difficult, and it raises your blood pressure. Smoking can raise your blood pressure to harmful levels, depending on your natural blood pressure. It’s important to remember that blood flow is necessary for the growth of new, healthy hair. For the first 31 days after your treatment, avoid nicotine-containing products such as e-liquids, cigarettes, cigars, nicotine gum, and nicotine patches.

  • Attempting a Personal Best – Do not indulge in strenuous exercise or any other sort of activity in the days following your hair transplantation. This indicates that now is not the time to strive to set a new personal best in lifting or sprinting. Light to moderate exercise is fine; just keep your heart rate and blood pressure in a safe, normal range for the first seven days following your therapy.

For the first seven days after treatment, brisk walks, yoga, and tai chi are excellent substitutes for your regular training regimen. You can even go for a moderately paced bike ride three days after your therapy. Just remember to bring your helmet and reflective clothing.

  • Applying Ice to the Scalp Directly – Applying ice directly to the parts of your scalp with transplanted hair is just as vital as not touching your new hairline on your pillow. In fact, for the first three days after treatment, you should try to avoid touching the region at all. After 72 hours, you should only softly touch your scalp. It’s important to remember that scratching an itchy scalp can only make it worse.
  • Assuming You Won’t Lose Your Hair – Many individuals don’t expect their hair to fall out following a hair transplant, but it’s a totally normal and healthy part of the hair development cycle. At any given time, approximately 10% to 15% of your hair is in the “shedding” phase. Don’t be alarmed if you see shedding during the first two to four weeks after your therapy. Your follicles have not been harmed. In three months, new hair will have grown stronger, healthier, and thicker than ever before from those follicles.
Dr. Gajanan Jadhao

I am a Hair Transplant Surgeon, Cosmetologist and Anesthesiologist in Pune. I have more than 16 years of experience in this field.

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