What is Hair Transplantation?

Hair transplantation surgery is used to restore hair loss. Hair loss can occur from many reasons such as genetics, emotional factors, vitamin deficiency, or hormonal factors. But the most frequent and unavoidable one is genetic factors. That situation is shown with a high hairline and has hair loss especially in the frontal area.

Since the back and sides of the scalp are protected, hair transplantation is employed from those healthy sides. Recently, scientific studies demonstrated that the back and side part of the scalp is not affected by genetic factors. This is because of the receptor differences between the androgenic hormones and hair cells.

That’s why, when the doctors transfer the hair follicles from back and sides to the frontal area it works well and can treat that health issue. The other reasons are mineral and vitamin deficits, hormonal imbalance, or skin disorders. The hair loss will be not limited to the frontal view but also will be in the other parts of the scalp. So, the diagnosis is important to have successful treatment of hair loss. To do that, an examination by an experienced surgeon and blood analysis should be performed.

Hair Transplantation Techniques

When you search on google you may see many techniques in hair transplantation. There are just two techniques in hair transplantation. First is FUT which means follicular unit transplantation. Second is FUE which means follicular unit extraction.

The other techniques you see on google such as Safir hair transplantation or DHI which means direct hair implantation or micromotor, etc are not a hair transplantation technique, they are just way to one of the four steps of hair transplantation as channel opening or implantation of the hair follicle.

FUT technique

This technique started more than 50 years ago. Basically, in this technique, a hair strip is removed and separated into the follicles under the microscopic view, and then the follicles are implanted into the area of bald skin after the channels are created. The main disadvantages of this technique are the linear scarring at the donor site.

FUE technique

The currently used technique is the FUE technique, and the application of the technique has started 30 years ago. Basically, in this technique, hair follicles are harvested one by one with a micromotor or puncture from the donor area and then these follicles are implanted to the bald area by using a forceps or implanter pen which is much better and less traumatic. This technique provides high number graft, natural results, fast recovery, and minimal scarring.

Number of Grafts in Hair Transplantation

It depends on your donor area, hair loss situation, and health situation. In an efficient hair restoration session, up to five thousand a hair follicle can be transferred in experienced hands. Trying to do more is going to be risky and may not give you good results because of the long duration, the local injection may reach to the over-limit in the blood level and can be toxic.

Another reason is, moving a high number of grafts from the donor area may cause unnatural results in this area. So, after the detailed examination, if the patient needs more than five thousand follicles, another session should be planned to achieve the aesthetic goals.

Before Hair Transplantation

What you should do and not do before the surgery?

There are some precautions before the hair transplantation surgery which you need to follow. They are as general as in the other surgical interventions.

They are listed below:

  1. Stop taking any blood thinners at least 7 days before the surgery.
  2. Do not take alcohol 3 days before and after the surgery.
  3. Quit smoking at least 2 months before the surgery and do not start it again 6 months after the surgery.
  4. Start to use hair loss medications, such as minoxidil, finasteride, and medical shampoo.
  5. Do a healthy diet in terms of taking A, B, C, D, E vitamins, folic acid, iron, and zinc which exist especially in green vegetables, seafood, and orange.

After Hair Transplantation

What do you need to do after hair transplantation?

The most important thing after the surgery you need to know is maximum attention and care for your grafts.

To do that:

  • First 48 hours, do not wash your hair implanted area.
  • Sleep on your back, you can use pillows for the back of the neck to eliminate any touching of your implanted area.
  • The graft sites will form scabs in 72 hours after your surgery. Do not pick or scratch the scabs. These scabs will drop by themself until 2 weeks.
  • For the care of the donor area, antibiotic creams will be applied twice a day for 1 week to have optimum healing.

So, the first 2 weeks is the most important period, patients should give maximum care to protect the grafts. For the patient’s comfort, medications will be given. After this 2-week critical period, patients can continue their normal life.

Dr. Gajanan Jadhao

I am a Hair Transplant Surgeon, Cosmetologist and Anesthesiologist in Pune. I have more than 16 years of experience in this field.

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