Alopecia Treatment in Pune

Alopecia Treatment in Pune

Hair loss can be traumatic for anyone. If you discover that you are losing hair due to alopecia, it is time to seek treatment. Getting alopecia treatment in Pune is not difficult. Several alopecia areata specialists in Pune offer alopecia treatment. Even some of the leading hair transplant surgeon in Pune provide advanced and effective alopecia treatment. So, if you are looking for the best alopecia treatment in Pune, here is the information you will need.

It is essential to understand the symptoms of alopecia before undergoing alopecia treatment. For example, you may have alopecia if you find a lot of hair on your pillow, hairbrush, or in the shower daily. Little bald spots on your head are another indication of this condition. Before beginning alopecia treatment, keep in mind that it is an autoimmune illness, so no one treatment will not suit everyone.
Anyone suffering from autoimmune conditions has an immune system that fights against their body cells and tissues. Such as, in alopecia, the immune system attacks the hair follicles. As a result, in alopecia, hair loses from parts of the body, usually where hair growth is expected, either partially or entirely.

Let’s know the,

Major Types of Alopecia

1. Androgenic Alopecia:
It is a condition that affects all genders. It commonly takes the shape of a U around the back and sides of the head. Hair loss from the crown and thinning of the hairline are common symptoms. In extreme circumstances, total baldness may occur.

2. Alopecia Areata:
This condition consists of different forms. It is caused mainly by a weakened immune system. The immune system targets specific tissues, including hair follicles. So, any alopecia areata can develop from it.

3. Alopecia Universalis:
It is the most critical of all the forms because the entire body loses hair. So, the body becomes more exposed to bacterial and fungal infections.

4. Alopecia Totalis:
It causes total hair loss on the scalp. An auto-immune condition usually causes it. Alopecia totalis is divided into two categories. The first is rapid hair loss, which can progress to complete baldness. The second is hair loss over time, which leads to bald patches and finally total baldness.

5. Traction alopecia:
It results from persistent tension or tugging of the hair over an extended period. Braids, ponytails, and aesthetic surgery are some of the common causes. In addition, hair follicles and the papilla are damaged by the constant pressure, resulting in hair loss.

Now, let’s know the,

Symptoms of Alopecia

  • Thinning of hair in the crown area.
  • Receding hairline in both men and women.
  • Circular or spotty bald areas.
  • Handful hair falls on washing or combing hair.
  • In extreme cases, hair loss can occur all over the body.

Causes of Alopecia

A variety of factors can cause alopecia, including:

  • Natural aging process
  • Lack of proper care
  • Heredity
  • Certain diseases and medications
  • Use of chemically loaded cosmetics

Let’s know about,

Diagnosis of Alopecia

Alopecia areata can be diagnosed simply by looking at the extent of your hair loss and studying a few hair samples under a microscope. In addition, the doctor can perform a scalp biopsy to rule out other causes of hair loss, such as fungal infections.

If the doctor suspects other autoimmune disorders, they may order blood tests. The suspected disease determines the type of blood test. On the other hand, a doctor will almost certainly test for the existence of one or more defective antibodies. If you have these antibodies in your blood, you most likely have an autoimmune condition. 

Various blood tests that can be used to rule out other illnesses include:

  • CRP and Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
  • Iron levels
  • Antinuclear antibody test
  • Thyroid hormones
  • Free and total testosterone
  • FSH and luteinizing hormone

Know, let’s discuss,

Treatment for Alopecia

As soon as alopecia areata symptoms appear, you should see an alopecia areata specialist in Pune. The doctor will prescribe you a treatment that can help you regrow hair. The following are some of the more advanced treatments:

PRP Therapy

PRP therapy involves injecting platelets rich plasma into the scalp to encourage hair growth. There are three steps of PRP therapy. First, the doctor takes the blood of the patient (typically from an arm). After that, the doctor spins the blood in a centrifuge. Then, injects the extracted PRP from the blood into the scalp. PRP is gaining more popularity due to its efficacy.


Dermaroller is a tool with thousands of delicate micro-needles. A handle supports the roller. It encourages new hair growth by using the micro-needling technique and hair growth factors. This treatment can cure alopecia and diffuse hair thinning.


Mesotherapy involves injecting a mix of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and plant extract into the scalp using fine needles. The composition is tailored based on the needs of an individual. It hydrates and moisturizes the hair. Mesotherapy can help treat alopecia easily.

Depending on the state of your hair, a skilled dermatologist or a reputable hair specialist in Pune may recommend some other advanced hair loss treatments.

Dr. Gajanan Jadhao

I am a Hair Transplant Surgeon, Cosmetologist and Anesthesiologist in Pune. I have more than 16 years of experience in this field.

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