Are you opting for a Tattoo Removal in Pune?

Are you opting for a Tattoo Removal in Pune?

Many people in Pune are showing interest in getting tattoos. Yes, it has become a new trend. However, some people also opt to remove their tattoos; you may be among them as well.

You do not need to visit any clinic to know the necessary information about tattoo removal. We have gathered the details that can assist you in learning more about tattoo removal. Let us first understand how a tattoo is created on your body?

How is a tattoo created?

A tattoo is a body modification in which a design is created on your body part with dyes, ink, or pigments. These are inserted into your skin’s dermis. Tattoos can be either temporary or permanent.

Recently, people have started getting tattoos all over the world. It could be for different reasons. So, let us first explain what the different types of tattoos are?

What are the types of tattoos?

There are different types of tattoos, which include:

  • Traumatic/natural: It is seen in coal miners due to coal dust entering their wounds. It can be because of a trauma or accident when asphalt gets rubbed in their wounds.
  • Amateur /professional: It serves as marks of rank or status, spiritual symbols, or religious devotion. It can be for magical, artistic, or cosmetic sentimental reasons.
  • Identification: It was performed forcibly in Nazi concentration camp inmates with identification numbers. Also, some symbols displaying religious sentiments done in children.
  • Cosmetic: It is a cosmetic industry trend for neutralizing or “permanent make-up” and hiding skin discolorations.
  • Functional: It is done for a purpose like finding an Alzheimer’s patient who has been missing.
  • Medical: It is used where a person may need regular radiotherapy. Also, it is used in skin tones for covering Vitiligo. Vitiligo is a pigmentation disorder.

If a tattoo is a trend these days, why do people want to remove their tattoos?

Why might you need a tattoo removal?

Several cultural, social, and physical life changes may influence your tattoo removal decision, such as:

  • When you have an Infection/Allergic reaction
  • Regretting your decision
  • When you are finding a new job, particularly in the hospitality or aviation industry
  • When you desire to change one tattoo with another

Now that you know why a person needs tattoo removal let us explain everything you should know before the procedure.

What you need to know before opting for a tattoo removal

Few points to know before going for tattoo removal:

  • Normally, you can remove all the tattoos. The regular greenish blue pigment tattoos contain an excellent response. Jet black tattoos may require some time to fade, as may yellows and reds in your tattoo. Also, your deep tattoos may require several more sessions.
  • You may require almost four-six sessions, and in a few situations, eight. It is based on your tattoo depth and shade and your body’s response to the laser.
  • You may not feel any pain or just a slight, pricking sensation. Your doctor uses numbing cream about two hours before your procedure to make it beneficial and comfortable.
  • The session’s duration depends on your tattoo’s size. It can take about five-ten minutes to forty-five minutes if you have a large tattoo.
  • Right after your procedure, you may find swelling, redness, and pinpoint bleeding points. All this clear’s slowly within three-five days.
  • When you remove the tattoo, it is permanent. Sometimes even after four to five sessions, there is ghosting, which fades over time. The sessions and time to fade can depend on your tattoo depth, color, and intensity.

Now let us discuss how exactly tattoo removal works.

How does it work?

Tattoos are not any more permanent and irreversible marks or designs on your skin. You can remove a tattoo safely with laser treatment.

The laser beam enters your skin and breaks the ink particles. After that, your body’s immune system extracts these particles over some time. It leads to your tattoo slowly fading away. The laser energy targets your tattooed skin leaving your un-inked skin unharmed.

Remember; go for an experienced doctor for tattoo removal in Pune. It is crucial if you want the best results out of your procedure.

Dr. Gajanan Jadhao

I am a Hair Transplant Surgeon, Cosmetologist and Anesthesiologist in Pune. I have more than 16 years of experience in this field.

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