Best Beard Transplant in Kochi, Kerala

Best Beard Transplant in Kochi, Kerala

One of the ways of knowing that your son has grown is by checking his shoe size! When his feet fit in his father’s shoes, it is a sign that your son has grown! It is such a proud and joyful moment, isn’t it?

There’s one more sign seen in males that indicates growth!

Can you guess what it is?

Yes, formation of beard!

Beard turns a boy into a man!

During teens, all boys might have tried to grow a beard and expressed their desire to try shaving, have you done too?

How we used to try different techniques to grow a beard and get a manly look!

When one thinks about those days, one can’t help but laugh!

Are you also laughing now remembering those days?

And after a lot of tries, when finally, we used to get a beard, how happy we used to feel, isn’t it?

The happiness got was invaluable!

But unfortunately, even after a lot of tries, many men aren’t able to grow a beard and are unable to experience that invaluable happiness!

Beard is a man’s identity!

And some men live their life without having an identity!

It is like living a life with no name!

Isn’t this awful?

Are you also one of those men who are struggling to get their identity and longing for a beard?

Then now is the time to get your identity!

Now is the time to make your wish of growing a beard true!


By doing a beard transplant in Kochi. The top hair transplant centre provides effective and best beard hair transplants in Kochi, Kerala. We are known to provide superior quality and the best hair transplant in Kochi, Kerala.

This article discusses beard transplant, its procedure, side effects, and more.

So, what exactly is a beard transplant?

Beard transplant in Kochi, Kerala is an effective solution to grow a beard. In a beard transplant, hair from one part of the body is taken and transplanted to your jawline to give you a natural-looking beard.

Your hair transplant surgeon in Kochi, Kerala can use either FUE or FUT to give you your desired beard!

What is the procedure of beard transplant?

The procedure of beard transplant includes the following-

  • Harvesting: Before the harvesting procedure begins, you would first be given anesthesia. Then the hair transplant surgeon will shave off the scalp area for harvesting. This will help your hair transplant surgeon to harvest the hair follicles with ease.
  • Implantation: After your hair transplant surgeon has harvested the hair follicles from your scalp, he will implant them on your face and shape your beard the way you want it to be.
  • Recovery: It just takes a day to recover from beard transplant surgery. You would experience the formation of tiny crusts around newly transplanted hair follicles, but these will go away within a few days. After 7-10 days, you can start shaving. You can experience fall out of your new beard hair after two or three weeks. But do not panic! This is very normal. New hair will soon grow.

Who are the best candidates for a beard transplant?

As hair follicles are harvested from the back of your scalp, it is essential to have healthy and enough hair follicles in this region. If you lack healthy hair follicles in this region, your doctor may suggest another treatment alternative to grow a beard.

How successful is a beard transplant surgery?

Usually, beard transplant surgery is always successful. To get the best results from a beard transplant surgery, it is suggested to do a beard transplant from an experienced and skilled hair transplant surgeon in Kochi, Kerala.

What are the side effects of a beard transplant?

The following are some of the side-effects of beard transplant-

  • Swelling
  • Numbness
  • Tightness
  • Redness
  • Scarring

If the above side-effects do not go away and persists, it is advisable to inform your doctor about this.

What are the post-operative instructions to be followed after a beard transplant?

The following activities need to be avoided for some days after the surgery-

  • Smoking
  • Swimming
  • Direct exposure to sunlight
  • Vigorous physical activities
  • Touching or rubbing the implanted or harvested area
  • Scrubbing

Your doctor may also prescribe certain antibiotic ointment to be applied on your face and scalp.

What is the cost of a beard transplant?

You do not need to worry about the beard hair transplant cost in Kochi, Kerala. You can get cost-effective as well as superior quality beard transplant treatment at the best hair transplant centre in Kerala.

So, what are you waiting for?

Do you want a natural-looking beard?

Do you want a beard, an identity that you can feel proud of?

Then visit the best hair transplant centre in Kochi, Kerala now!

Dr. Gajanan Jadhao

I am a Hair Transplant Surgeon, Cosmetologist and Anesthesiologist in Pune. I have more than 16 years of experience in this field.

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