Male pattern baldness or receding hairline is a prominent problem in men but also occurs in women. Living with baldness or going in for transplant is a choice you make. Find resolution with one of the best hair transplant canter in Pune that has years of experience and several successful hair transplant patients to their credit. La Densitae Skin and Hair Clinic is founded by DR. Gajanan Jadhao in Pune, with centers in Navi Mumbai, Lucknow, Bangalore, and Kerala.

After a methodical analysis of your receding hairline and medical history, your doctor will give you step-by-step guidance about the procedure they will follow. One session of hair transplant takes about 7 to 8 hours.


FUE hair transplant is a procedure in which the hair follicles are extracted from the donor area, which is usually the back of your head. In rare cases, it may be extracted from other areas of your body.

  • The donor area (from where the hair is extracted) and the recipient area (where the hair will be transplanted) are both thoroughly washed and cleaned.
  • The donor area is then given anesthesia.
  • Once the scalp is numb, the surgeon starts extracting hair one at a time using a micro punch tool. This process is called harvesting.
  • Your surgeon then starts making numerous small incisions on the designed hairline with a special needle or other sharp objects.
  • The extracted hair is then grafted in these incisions carefully and precisely to give your head a natural look when the follicles grow hair.

All in all, steps 3 and 4 take approximately 2 hrs each, and step 5 takes about 3 to 4 hrs. One sitting takes about 8 hours. Based on how big is the bald area, your surgeon will recommend more sittings.


Once the hair is grafted in the recipient area, strictly follow the post-operative care instructions given to you by your doctor.

  • Day1, avoid taking out the bandage. Take medicine prescribed by the doctor. Sleep with your head raised. Take 2 or 3 pillows. Avoid touching your scalp. It may be tender.
  • Day2, visit the clinic. The doctor will take out the bandage, assess your scalp, and clean it tenderly. Your doctor will also explain to you how to wash your hair and what product you can use.
  • For the first ten days after the surgery, avoid doing any form of physical exercise or strenuous activities.
  • Avoid going out in the sun.
  • Avoid rigorously scratching your head. When the wound heals, the scalp may dry, leading to itchiness.
  • Avoid any food and medication that will lead to bleeding.


Once you are done with the transplant, for the first two months, you may notice that the transplanted hair is falling off. This process of shedding hair is natural, and the follicle is preparing to grow new hair which will match the density and pattern of your natural growth of hair because of the nutrition it gets from your scalp. Therefore, it is essential that you stick to a very healthy diet routine and avoid any junk food intake.

Month 2 onwards, you will start seeing the hair growth. You will notice that some hair will continue to fall, but it is nothing to be worried about.

Month 6 onwards, there will be a noticeable growth of hair. The new hair growth will look completely natural, and even you yourself will not be able to tell apart.


You now know that it takes only a period of six months to start looking yourself again. The only delay is the time you take to come to the decision of going in for a hair transplant. Yes, please do your research on the doctors and their track records. Look at patient reviews and make a conscious decision to choose one of the best hair transplant centres in Pune to transform yourself.

Dr. Gajanan Jadhao

I am a Hair Transplant Surgeon, Cosmetologist and Anesthesiologist in Pune. I have more than 16 years of experience in this field.

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