The link between Testosterone and Hair Loss

The link between Testosterone and Hair Loss

Are you in the age group between forty and fifty? Your hair fall can be due to the fluctuating testosterone levels. Want to know what that is?

Testosterone is a male sex hormone. It is useful for several purposes, including the development of specific secondary sexual characteristics in men. A very low or high level of this hormone results in hair loss.

Is testosterone the cause for hair loss, or is there something else? Let us learn the reasons and methods to treat testosterone hair loss.

High Testosterone Vs. Low Testosterone

Your body hair develops through follicles. Follicles are small pores under your skin that has a hair strand. The strands have a growth cycle of two to five years, after which they approach a resting phase and fall out.

High levels of androgens in the body create a hormone known as Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT binds to some proteins in your body, which in turn decreases the size of your hair follicles. It can result in the thinning of your hair and may delay the development of new hair strands.

Both high and low levels of testosterone can cause hair loss. Men with low testosterone levels may contain the same quantity of DHT that contributes to hair loss. Men with male pattern baldness have low testosterone levels with average DHT levels in the body.

Some men have the same DHT quantity as others, but their hair follicles are genetically more sensitive to DHT. It makes their follicles more susceptible to the DHT.

Androgenetic alopecia in men is due to fluctuating testosterone levels and genetics. In men, it takes place in a particular pattern that can result in complete balding.

It starts from the temples, then progresses to result in complete balding. Frontal baldness is the starting of androgenetic alopecia for men.

How to treat Hair Loss caused by Fluctuating Testosterone Levels?

Various medications have proved to be beneficial in treating DHT hair loss. The medicines are of two categories – blockers and inhibitors.

DHT blockers are medicines that stop it from binding to the five alpha-reductase enzymes. DHT inhibitors help decrease the creation of the hormone.


Finasteride is an oral medication that may be beneficial in treating balding in men. Studies indicate that finasteride had an eighty-seven per cent success rate in hair regrowth in men.

The medicine is a blocker and binds to the five alpha-reductase enzymes to prevent the DHT hormone from affecting hair follicles.


Minoxidil is a DHT blocker. Minoxidil was a medicine initially prescribed to patients who had high blood pressure. As a side-effect, a few of the patients started to experience excessive hair growth.

This medicine helps widen blood vessels to improve the flow of blood. When applied, topical minoxidil can help raise blood flow to hair follicles, hence enhancing its growth.


Biotin is a Vitamin B derivative that converts nutrients into energy, which your cells use to carry out their functions. Keratin is a protein that makes many of your hair, and biotin also improves its production. Studies indicate that biotin improves hair growth and avoids hair loss.

Pumpkin seed oil

Pumpkin seed oil improves hair loss in men with male pattern baldness. It is because DHT blocker, thus preventing hair loss and hair thinning.

B Vitamins

B vitamins are vital in keeping the health of your scalp and hair. Insufficiency of such vitamins may reportedly result in hair thinning and even hair loss. They improve the blood flow to your hair follicles. B vitamins may not restore hair growth, but they prevent hair loss.

Side-Effects of DHT Blockers and Inhibitors

Some of the side effects of DHT blockers include:

  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Ejaculating too early
  • Excess fat around the breast area
  • Darkened hair on the face
  • Rashes
  • Feeling sick
  • Vomiting
  • Ejaculating too late
  • Heart failure

If you have any such symptoms, consults with your doctor regarding alternatives.

Hair fall that is caused due to fluctuating testosterone levels is connected to male pattern baldness. Testosterone creates a hormone known as dihydrotestosterone, which is responsible for balding in males.

Some men can be genetically sensitive to this hormone, whereas other men can contain high levels. Proven medications to block DHT from binding to hair follicles can stop hair fall. However, if your baldness is excessive it is best to opt for a hair transplant treatment.

Dr. Gajanan Jadhao

I am a Hair Transplant Surgeon, Cosmetologist and Anesthesiologist in Pune. I have more than 16 years of experience in this field.

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