Say Goodbye to Hair Loss: How Hair Transplant Can Help You Regain Confidence

Say Goodbye to Hair Loss: How Hair Transplant Can Help You Regain Confidence

As reported by the National Center for Biotechnology Information(NCBI), hair loss represents a distressing issue affecting a large portion of the population, including up to 85% of males and 40% of females, and its incidence increases with age for both. For people experiencing hair loss, it can significantly affect their daily life as hair loss interferes with their personal, social and professional lives. It can be a frustrating and distressing experience, particularly for those who have tried various remedies with no success. Fortunately, hair transplant surgery offers a permanent solution for hair loss, and La Densitae Centre for hair transplant in Bangalore is quickly becoming a hub for this procedure. This blog will provide a comprehensive guide on hair transplant, including the procedure, the benefits, and how to choose the right surgeon. 

What is a hair transplant?

Before jumping on the bandwagon of the best hair transplant in Bangalore, it is important to understand how it works and what it involves. A hair transplant is a low-risk, minimally invasive surgical procedure which involves removing follicles from one area of the body (usually behind the ear or on the side of the head) and transplanting them to an area where hair is thinning or balding. As a result, the transplanted hair will grow as normal, providing a long-lasting solution to hair loss.

Types of Hair Transplant 

Here are the two most popular kinds of hair transplantation procedures:

  1. Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT): Also known as the “strip method,” FUT involves removing a strip of skin from the donor site, usually at the back of the head, and then dissecting it into individual hair follicles for transplantation into the recipient site. The donor site is then closed with sutures or staples, which is immediately covered by the surrounding hair.
  2. Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): FUE involves using a tiny punch tool to individually remove hair follicles from the donor site before transplanting them to the recipient site. Unlike FUT, there is no need to remove a strip of skin, so there is no linear scar. The surgeon will shave the back of your scalp and take out each individual hair follicle from there. Your natural hair will hide the little specks of healing skin.

There are also a variety of surgical and non-surgical methods for hair regrowth, such as platelet-enriched plasma therapy, Real-time non-touch FUE hair transplant, Mesotherapy, and Low-light laser therapy, which uses advanced technology to automate certain aspects of the procedure. The type of hair transplant procedure that is best for you depends on factors such as the extent of your hair loss, the thickness and quality of your donor hair, and your personal preferences.

Hair Transplant Procedure 

  1. Consultation: During the initial consultation, the surgeon will assess your hair loss and determine if you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.
  2. Preparation: On the day of the surgery, the surgeon cleans your scalp and injects local anaesthesia to numb the area. 
  3. Harvesting: The surgeon will then remove hair follicles or a strip of skin, depending on the type of procedure, from the donor area using a specialised tool. This area is hidden by the hair around it.
  4. Transplantation: The surgeon will then make tiny incisions in the bald or thinning area and carefully implant the hair follicles.
  5. Recovery: After the surgery, you may experience some swelling, discomfort, and redness. However, these symptoms typically subside within a few days.

Benefits of hair transplant 

  • Improved Appearance: Hair transplant surgery can restore a fuller, more youthful-looking head of hair, providing a significant boost in confidence and self-esteem.
  • Long-lasting solution: The life of the transplanted follicles depends on the blood flow to each follicle. Unlike other hair loss remedies, hair transplant surgery provides a long-lasting and even permanent solution to hair loss if maintained correctly.
  • Low maintenance: Transplanted hair requires no special maintenance, making it a convenient and hassle-free solution.
  • Safe and Effective: Hair transplant surgery is a safe and effective procedure with minimal risk of complications compared to other surgeries.

Choosing the right hair transplant surgeon 

  • Experience: Look for a surgeon who has a lot of experience performing hair transplant surgery.
  • Qualification: Ensure the surgeon is qualified and certified by reputable organisations.
  • Reputation: Read reviews and testimonials from past patients to learn about the surgeon’s reputation and success rate.
  • Consultation: Choose a surgeon who offers a thorough consultation to assess your needs and answer any questions you may have. One of the best hair transplant in Bangalore surgeons are at the La Densitae hair transplant centres, where you may obtain sincere responses to all your hair transplant questions.


Hair transplantation is a great option for people having hair loss or hair thinning and are not seeing results from other remedies. However, it is important to know what a hair transplant is before committing to a potentially life-altering decision. By understanding the details of hair transplant surgery, You can decide for yourself whether or not it’s the right solution for your hair loss. By learning about the types and procedures and consulting with the right surgeon, you can create a customised and personalised treatment plan to get the best results. So, book a consultation with the top surgeons at La Densitae Hair Transplant Center, providing the best hair transplant in Bangalore and take a step towards a confident you!

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Dr. Gajanan Jadhao

I am a Hair Transplant Surgeon, Cosmetologist and Anesthesiologist in Pune. I have more than 16 years of experience in this field.

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